Monday, February 27, 2012

Welcome to McMiniville!

For several years, I’ve considered creating a blog to capture the crazy adventure that is raising two sets of twins.  People often ask, “How do you do it?”  To that, I don’t ever have a great answer.  I love my life.  I love my husband. I love our children.  Are some days tough?  Absolutely.  But I find absolute joy in being a wife and mom.  I’ve learned a few tricks that have made life easier.  I’ve found ways to laugh in moments where complete chaos breaks loose.  I’ve found ways to let my creative juices go CrAzY!  And most importantly, I continually find corners of my heart that I never knew existed filled with overwhelming joy from my sweet family.

Since this blog has been in production {within my brain} for several years, there are five basic themes that seem to be pretty consistent in my life:
  •  {Live and Learn}: Tricks that I’ve learned along the way {sometimes even the hard way} that have simplified my life.
  • {Filterless People}: Funny experiences with strangers.
  • {Confessions}: Funny experiences that happen with my children.  Often, these are experiences that I SWORE would never happen. Never.Say.Never.
  • {Oh, Pinterest}: DIY Pinterest worthy projects.
  • {McMini Life}: Life as a McMini. Everything from McMini chores to fun activities.   
Thanks for joining me on the crazy adventure that is life. I pray that this blog may be helpful to other moms that are trying to make the most of being a wife and a mom.